NJDMV - Motor Vehicle Commission - Knowledge Test Questions 101 to 120

  • Post by Admin
  • Sep 23, 2021

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101. If not prohibited by a “no turn on red sign”, New Jersey law permits you to turn right on red after:
  1. A. making a full stop and checking traffic
  2. B. blowing your horn
  3. C. slowing down to check traffic
  4. D. checking traffic to your right

Answer : A. making a full stop and checking traffic

102. Which of the following convictions will result in an Insurance Surcharge:
  1. A. Operating Under the Influence of Liquor/Drugs
  2. B. Operating Under the Influence of Liquor/Drugs and Refusal to Take a Breathalyzer Test
  3. C. Refusal to Take a Breathalyzer Test
  4. D. All of the above

Answer : D. All of the above

103. A motorist will be subject to the following for a conviction of a 3rd violation of Operation Under the Influence of Liquor/Drugs:
  1. A. Installation of interlock device OR suspension of all vehicle registrations
  2. B. Installation of interlock device AND suspension of all vehicle registrations
  3. C. Suspension of driving privilege
  4. D. A and C

Answer : C. Suspension of driving privilege

104. Before turning, you must signal at least:
  1. A. 500 feet in advance
  2. B. 100 feet in advance
  3. C. 100 yards in advance
  4. D. 1 block in advance

Answer : B. 100 feet in advance

105. An eight-sided sign means:
  1. A. yield to other traffic
  2. B. stop
  3. C. slow down
  4. D. railroad crossing

Answer : B. stop

106. If you miss your exit on an expressway you should:
  1. A. go on to the next exit
  2. B. slow down and stop
  3. C. turn around and go back
  4. D. pull off the road and back up the shoulder

Answer : A. go on to the next exit

107. It is a good practice to keep a space cushion to:
  1. A. give you time to react
  2. B. give you a clear view of the road
  3. C. decrease your reaction time
  4. D. none of the above

Answer : A. give you time to react

108. When driving at night, be sure that you can stop:
  1. A. within 20 feet at all times
  2. B. within 20 feet at 30 miles per hour
  3. C. within 20 feet at 40 miles per hour
  4. D. within the distance you can see ahead

Answer : D. within the distance you can see ahead

109. When passing a large truck or bus, it is important to remember:
  1. A. The name of the owner or business printed on the side of the truck.
  2. B. There are several no-zones (blind spots) in which the driver cannot see you.
  3. C. What the “two-second” rule is.
  4. D. All of the above.

Answer : B. There are several no-zones (blind spots) in which the driver cannot see you.

110. When your license is returned to you after suspension for points (or after completing a DMV Driver Improvement Program, you will be on probation for:
  1. A. two years
  2. B. one year
  3. C. 6 months
  4. D. 9 months

Answer : B. one year

111. One and one-half ounces of 86 proof whiskey contains the same amount of alcohol as:
  1. A. a 6-pack of beer
  2. B. 6 ounces of premium beer
  3. C. a bottle of wine
  4. D. 12 ounces of beer

Answer : D. 12 ounces of beer

112. By law, you are under the influence when the amount of alcohol in your blood or BAC has reached:
  1. A. .01%
  2. B. .05%
  3. C. .08%
  4. D. none of the above

Answer : C. .08%

113. Under GDL Law, a person is required to attend a remedial training class for the following:
  1. A. Accumulation of 4 or more points
  2. B. Accumulation of 2 or more points
  3. C. Conviction of a DUI
  4. D. A and C

Answer : D. A and C

  1. A. you must have liability insurance
  2. B. you sign an agreement to give blood
  3. C. permission for another to move your car in emergencies
  4. D. when you drive a motor vehicle, you automatically agree to take a breath test following an arrest for a suspected drinking and driving offense

Answer : D. when you drive a motor vehicle, you automatically agree to take a breath test following an arrest for a suspected drinking and driving offense

115. Every vehicle registered in New Jersey must be insured for:
  1. A. theft
  2. B. fire damage
  3. C. liability
  4. D. collision

Answer : C. liability

116. You may pass on the right when:
  1. A. the driver ahead is turning left and there is a proper lane on the right
  2. B. there are no traffic signals
  3. C. entering an intersection
  4. D. there is a slow moving vehicle ahead

Answer : A. the driver ahead is turning left and there is a proper lane on the right

118. The holder of a Provisional Driver License, under 21 years of age, is permitted to have how many non-household members in the car?
  1. A. 0
  2. B. 1
  3. C. 2
  4. D. 3 or more

Answer : B. 1

119. After two to four drinks, alcohol begins to impair your:
  1. A. reaction time
  2. B. coordination and balance
  3. C. judgment
  4. D. all of the above

Answer : D. all of the above

120. Any change of address must be reported to the Division of Motor Vehicle Services within what time period?
  1. A. 1 week
  2. B. 6 weeks
  3. C. 2 months
  4. D. 2 weeks

Answer : A. 1 week

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